Play test

Skyratz First Playtest: December 6th 2020!

The time has finally come! With the expected date of the launch Skyratz: Early Birdz fast approaching, we’re currently gearing up for our first set of playtests to introduce the game to a fresh audience.

Skyratz Logo.jpg

The date for the first test will be December 6th 2020 from 2pm – 4pm. Players will be expected to play multiple matches over the course of an hour and a half, then answer a quick survey and participate in a quick Q&A.

At this stage, most of our initial combat features have been implemented, but there are still quite a few this missing from the Skyratz experience to make it complete, such as character voicelines, the art, and the final UI. All that being said, we are hoping to add those in the coming weeks and, if anything, their now omission should help us get precious feedback on our maneuvers, weapons, and flight mechanics which are the most important thing.

If you’d like to join one of our playtests please email us at and tell your friends while you’re at it! We’ll be holding playtests all the way until Early 2021, so they’ll always be a spot for anyone that wants to join the flock.