Our 1st Skyratz Playtest was a massive success! Friends were made, champions were crowned, and everyone thought the missile launcher was overpowered. As such, I’m happy to finally announce our 2nd test is on the horizon!
The date for the second test will be January 9th 2021 from 2pm – 4pm. Like last time, players will expected to play multiple matches over the course of 1 hour and a half then answer a quick survey, then participate in a quick Q&A.
At this stage, most of our combat features have been improved, most voice lines and art are in, and major improvements have been made to the UI. We’ve officially entered pre-alpha territory and we’re trying to see how everything is coming together.
If you’d like to join one of our playtests please email us at info@megachompinteractive.com and be sure to tell your friends!