How to Play Skyratz: Weapons

Continuing our bootleg Skyratz instruction manual, let’s cover the weapons and items you’ll be hunting as you fight to maintain your spot on the pecking order. Since we want you focused on flying, these objects will be equipped immediately after your bird passes through them.  

For starters, all weapons and items come in three different levels indicating their strength:

Green – Level 1 – Common

Blue – Level 2 – Rare

Purple – Level 3 – Epic 

Every time you pick up a weapon or item of a higher level it will automatically replace the lower level item equipped.  If you pick up the same weapon of a lower level it will simply add its ammo to your existing count.



Currently, we have 4 different primary weapons.  Players can equip two at a time to balance their loadout and be able to fight at all ranges.

Machine Gun Blog.png

Machine Gun – a mid-ranged, rapid fire, hitscan weapon with a decent spread. The machine gun’s individual bullets don’t do a lot of damage, but they have plenty of ammo, so with good tracking you should be able to shoot down even the most evasive bird. At higher levels, the accuracy and damage output of the machine gun increases.

Shotgun Blog.png

Shotgun – a short range, burst shot, hitscan weapon. Shotguns do a lot of damage, but their bullets fan out the further you are from your target. The ammo count is somewhat limited, but if you can get close enough it shouldn’t take too much to knock your target out of the sky. At higher levels, the shotgun’s damage and rate of fire increases.


Homing Missiles.png

Homing Missile – a mid range, burst damage projectile with slight tracking towards its target. The slight auto-aim and high damage of the homing missile make it a must-get for new players, but experienced aces will know how to use their maneuvers to shake its lock. At higher levels, homing missiles do more damage and move faster.  


Laser Rifle.png

Laser Rifle – a long range, burst damage, projectile weapon. With low ammo and a slight charge time. Lining up a shot with a laser rifle might seem tricky, but a couple of hits will be all you need to down even the most armored of birds. Just be careful, because even if your shot can hit an enemy across the map, everyone will know where it came from. At higher levels, laser rifles do more damage and carry more ammo.   



Right now, we have 3 useable items that players can equip in addition to their weapons. You can only equip one item at a time and only get one shot of these per pick up, but they can easily turn the tide of a dogfight or get your enemies off your tail.  



Dynamite Stick – a small stick that creates a big KABOOM when it goes off. Can massively damage multiple enemies if they are caught in the range of its explosion, so it’s great to use against groups that don’t see you coming. At higher levels, their damage and explosion range increases.


Proximity Mine.png

Proximity Mine – A deadly trap that will roast any bird careless enough to enter its area of detection. Proximity Mines are fired behind you, so they are great to use if you’re being tailed by an enemy or want to get easy kills by placing them creatively. At higher levels, their damage and explosion range increases.


Smoke Bomb Blog.png

Smoke Bomb – Now they see you *POOF* now you’re gone. Smoke bombs release a cloud of smoke behind you obscuring your enemy’s vision, causing them to take minor damage, and slows their flight speed making it harder for them to chase you. It’s best to use them if you are being tailed and need to get away quick! At higher levels, the explosion radius and enemy flight debuff is increased.  



These items can help you once you’ve taken damage or beef you up so you have a better chance of survival.


Health Pack Sample.png

Health Pack – You already know. If you take damage pray that one of these is around the corner. The higher the level of the health pack the more health you will recover.

Armor Blog.png

Armor – A armor plating for your bird that will give you special hitpoints which add +3 resistance to any shots taken. Armor packs can trivialize Machine gun and Shotgun fire because of the +3 effect stacks for every bullet, but aren’t as effective against Laser Rifles and Homing Missiles which only take one shot to do massive damage. At higher levels, you get more armor per pack.

Shield Sample.png

Shields – An electromagnetic shield that adds special hit points and will recharge after not taking damage for 5 seconds, so long as they don’t reach 0. Shields are great for players that know how to shake their opponents and can cause weapons with precious little ammo, like the Homing Missile and the Laser Rifle to feel like a waste. At higher levels, you get more shields per pack.